9 November 2008

News November 2008

- Increase of repression shows it’s time for change.

- Activities in London, October 2008.


Increase of repression shows it’s time for change.

The left pro-independence movement has denounced the repressive situation in the Basque province of Navarre for the last few weeks. 21 people have been arrested, 14 have claimed they were tortured, 3 political organizations have been banned, 20 demonstrations have been prohibited and attacked, 7 people have been hospitalised and the number of political prisoners has reached an all time high. This situation reflects the deteriorating situation in the Basque Country and the ongoing political conflict.

According to the left pro-independence movement these are times for change. The Spanish state is trying to stop change by using all their repressive tools. The coming months will define the next years situation. The nationalist left believes a democratic situation has to be reached where all political objectives will be able to be defended in the same conditions and in absence of violence.

The Spanish government knows that the left pro-independence movement is the engine for change. This is why they are using illegalization, detentions, tortures, and other repressive methods against political pro-independence activists and organizations.

The Basque pro-independence movement wants to reaffirm its commitment to continue the struggle in all areas to improve the political and living conditions of Basque citizens; and in favour of independence and socialism and calls upon all other sectors who believe in the need of a democratic framework to come together.

Activities in London, October 2008.

The Basque Solidarity Campaign has started its activities by a series of events organised in London.

We have received a visit from Gorka Elejabarrieta, a representative of the left pro-independence movement in Brussels and Urko Ayarza, a lawyer from Behatokia, the Basque Observatory of human rights. From the 19th to the 26th of October, Gorka and Urko have been lobbying UK politicians and speaking to a large number of organisations interested in issues related to human rights, self-determination rights and conflict resolution.

Our guests have participated in three public events:

- Communist University of Britain
- Seminar Series of the Haldane Society, Statewatch and CAMPACC.
- A public meeting on the 22/10/08 at the Union Tavern in South London organised by the Basque Solidarity Campaign.

This is a summary of the speech given by Gorka at the Communist Univeristy of Britain:

Since the end of the peace process Spanish Government has arrested all the board of Batasuna, including those members that took part in the negotiation process. It has banned two other political parties, including ANV, a party that fought against fascism in the Basque Country and in Europe in the 30s and 40s.

The analysis of the process shows that the main political issue is the recognition of the Basque Country as a country. The conflict is not the simple subsistence of an armed action, but the serious unease of the majority of the Basque citizens, as they are denied the right to decide their future.

The problem that brings the Spanish State and Euskal Herria face to face is not a security problem, it is a deep political problem, it is a problem of refusing the existence of a nation with its rights. A problem that the international community in general, and Europe in particular know that has no other solution but apolitical solution. There is no other option: sooner or later, the wishes of the Basque citizenry will have to be satisfied. With its last proposal, ETA has made clear that the problem is not the armed action.

The answer is to establish a democratic framework that allows to solve the political conflict. In that matter, Batasuna has suggested a constructive proposal that tries to fit together the various sensitivities that exist in the country, from a historical point of view. This proposal tries to integrate the various ideological tendencies and ways to feel the country that exist in south Euskal Herria. Batasuna commits itself to keep working for a political solution for the conflict, without forgetting or scorning to work for the objectives it established when it was founded: independence and social justice.

For more information about these activities contact:

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