5 October 2008

Response to Judicial Abuse

- Lawyers complain that "there are pursuing ideas and political dissent" based on the interests of the State.

- Rally in Bilbao


Lawyers complain.

Lawyers who have participated in the procedures against the pro-amnesty movement, EHAK("Communist Party of the Basque Homelands") and EAE-ANV (Basque Nationalist Action) , have complained today that "they are prosecuting political ideas and political dissent in procedures whose sentences are handed down in advance”.

The lawyers Jone Goirizelaia, Haizea Ziluaga, Arantza Zulueta, Iñaki Goioaga, Kepa Landa and Ainhoa Baglieto gave a press conference to make a juridical reading of the latest legal rulings. All of them have participated in the proceedings against the outlawed pro-amnesty movement, EHAK or EAE-ANV.

According Kepa Landa, these recent court decisions "are not pursuing specific conducts, specific criminal conducts, nor specific attention is being given to specific groups or individual behavior." In his view, "what they are pursuing are political ideas and dissent." In all these procedures, added, "the schemes are the same" and "none of them transmits the existence of criminal behaviour of any kind, no abuse of law or legal right other than the state's interest to act in a certain way. "

Landa explained that with all this "they are trying to achieve the disappearance of a social and political space" thus avoiding "any intervention in society and politics of people who belong to that space."

"We win trials and lose sentences"

In addition, he has denounced that new cases against more than a hundred people has been announced, "which are going to come in the same parameters, criteria and the same expected results." "They announce procedures whose judgements are already written," he stressed.

The lawyer has also referred to his work as well as that of his peers in these proceedings, and says that "it is clear that doesn't matter what it is proved" in them. "No matter the proof, or legal practice, nor the laws. If necessary laws are stretched and twisted in such a way so that they can issue a court order in line with the whole orientation of the process."

It has also complained that “the Spanish state has enacted specific laws against Basque dissidence which increasingly pursue social aspects” . “In judicial practice, what is being done is to follow the guidelines set by the Police and the Civil Guard,” said adding that "everything goes through police reports." In addition, he has emphasized, "courts do not admit the evidence presented by the defence even if it is obvious, we win the trials but lose the judgements."

"To the Spanish political system doesn't matter at all to dispense with the appearance that this is a democratic state, to do without the rule of law and the most basic separation of powers," he explained.

Finally, has revealed that this is very serious and that "it is destroying an entire system of civil liberties and, in particular, those concerning many citizens of Euskal Herria".

More than 25,000 people demanding freedom in the streets of Bilbao. .

The requirement to the PSOE to put an end to the "state of exception" which has been imposed in Euskal Herria was endorsed by more than 25,000 people. The demonstration toured the streets of Bilbao in response to the call by the pro-amnesty movement two weeks ago . They reported that the Spanish government is making a political use of violence to attack political dissent and portend difficult times, but insisted on the need to continue working and struggling for the self-determination right.

Thousands of people yesterday in Bilbao responded to the call of the pro-amnesty movement to cope with the onslaught of repression with which the Madrid and Paris governments have launched a new political course. Such tactics, as reported, has known no limits and no end in recent weeks, following the same line in which the Spanish and French states have worked in recent decades with regard to Euskal Herria.

The march was led by a banner with the slogan "Salbuespen egoerari aurre eginez ... Euskal Herriak Askatasuna, which showed several familiar faces from Basque Counry politics. Some, like the case of Josu Beaumont and Jagoba Terrones, recently convicted by the Audiencia Nacional for taking part in the pro-amnesty movement; next to them, the president of EAE-ANV, Kepa Bereziartua, historical formation that has been placed outside the Spanish law a few weeks ago.

According to the census carried out by GARA, more than 26,000 people supported the call. During the march people chanted slogans against the PNV and demanded the repatriation of Basque political prisoners.

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