26 January 2008

Hello from London

Welcome to the London Basque Committees blog. This blog contains a monthly selection of news about Basque politics.

The information in this blog has been chosen with the intention of presenting an alternative account of the political situation in the Basque Country. Over the last few years we have experienced a complete failure of all attempts to find a peaceful settlement. In addition, we are regressing towards old anti-democratic policies.

There are many worrying signs about the current political situation. Banned newspapers and political parties, claims of systematic use of torture that receive no attention by the judiciary, police brutality to suppress the right of peaceful demonstration, ad-hoc law making and the dispersal of prisoners are all clear evidence of the political repression that is taking place against the wider Basque Independence Movement.

We believe that a political settlement for the Basque Country could also contribute to the solution of other conflicts. Resolving one conflict creates positive inertia and momentum. With the new geopolitical situation created by the War on Terror, peaceful resolution of armed conflicts seems to be a distant dream but if you have reached this blog you would probably believe another world is possible. Resolving a conflict which is now one of the oldest ones, and is taking place right under our noses, should be one of the main challenges for progressive political forces in Europe. We have seen it before, Northern Ireland and South Africa peace made an important contribution to the peace capital of the whole humanity. Unfortunately, similar solutions won't be possible in the Basque Country as long as we turn a blind eye to current situation.

Please read

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